Charles Gachihi Mungai, Martin Ogutu


A major problem in many organizations has been lack of formal objectives, purchasing performance, efficiency, effectiveness and performance standards for the supply department that limits an objective and accurate assessment of the purchasing function. The general objective of the study was to assess the challenges facing implementation of procurement performance measurement systems in the Administration Police Service. The descriptive research design was used. For this study, the population of interest is all the administrative officers derived from the major units of the Administration Police namely the Administration Police headquarters all based inNairobi. Stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques was applied in selection of 54 respondents. The study relied on primary data. Quantitative data analysis was involve generation of descriptive statistics namely frequencies and percentages. The data was presented using tables, charts and cross tabulations. From the findings, the study concludes that level skills and training, and organization structure statistically negatively affect procurement performance measurement systems while cost of implementation does not. The study also found that a unit increase in low level of skills and staff training and Level of skills and staff training would result to decrease in implementation of procurement performance measurement systems a factor 3.817 with a P Value of 0.001 and 1.128 with a P Value of 0.002 respectively. The study from the model used had a variation of 51.8%, which concluded that there are other variables that affect procurement performance measurement systems hence recommended for further study.

Key Words: Organizational Structure, AP, implementation, Skills and Training, Procurement Performance

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