Judith Wanjiru Kibande, Dr. Alexander Kyule


Environmental sustainability is a matter which cannot be ignored, so business organizations have to recognize the competitive advantages and business opportunities to be gained from green marketing although it may be a cost to the organization. The firms in the floriculture industry in Kenya have been facing myriad of challenges emanating from environmental concerns. The main focus of this study is to establish the influence of remuneration communication organizational reputation of registered flower firms in Kenya. This study used descriptive research design to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. The target population for this study was all the 89 registered flower farms in Kenya. Due to the small size of population, census sampling approach was used. Therefore the study carried out a census of all 89 registered flower farms in Kenya. The questionnaire was the selected instrument or tool for data collection for the study. The study used both descriptive and inferential statistics for data analysis. The study results were presented through tables and figures. The study concludes that there is a positive and significant relationship between elements of remuneration communication and organizational reputation of registered flower firms in Kenya. This study therefore recommends that the management of registered flower firms in Kenya should pay communication is a private affair and is addressed to the person being paid by the organization. In addition, the management of registered flower firms in Kenya should ensure effective and efficient pay communication methods are adopted.

Key Words: pay secrecy, remuneration communication, organizational reputation 

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