Miriam Jepchirchir Kurgat, Dr. Alexander Kyule


The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of green supply chain management practices on the performance of construction firms within Nairobi City County. The study variables used for this study were green purchasing, green distribution and their relationship or effects on the performance of construction firms. The study employed descriptive research design, and the data collection instrument was the questionnaire. A pilot test was carried out to establish the reliability and validity of the research instrument. A response rate of 66.5% was realized. Data finding were subjected to inferential statistics, Analysis of Variance for analysis. Regression analysis was done to determine the relationship between variables. Test for statistical significance of the variables was done, and the study found out that there is a positive relationship between green purchasing, and green distribution with performance of construction firms. The study conclude out that overall, construction firms are embracing green practices and with every attempt to do so, an increase in indicators of performance such as improved quality, customer satisfaction and improved company image are being experienced.

Key Words: Green Supply Chain Management Practices, Green Purchasing, Green Distribution, Performance, Construction Firms, Nairobi City County

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