Evans Mwai Kanja, Dr. Peter Ngatia


Purpose: The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of project management practices on the performance of KeNHA road construction projects in Mombasa County, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to establish the influence of stakeholder involvement on the performance of KeNHA road construction projects in Mombasa County, Kenya; and determine project leadership's influence on performance of KeNHA road construction projects in Mombasa County, Kenya

Methodology A descriptive research design was used for this study because focus in on the specific predictions, the narration of facts, and characteristics based on road construction projects in Mombasa County, Kenya, to provide statistically inferable data to test the significance of results on the population. The study targeted 6 road projects in Mombasa County undertaken by KeNHA as described in the KeNHA website.  The unit of observation comprised of four categories of participants, namely, KeNHA staff, road contractors and consultants for the five selected KeNHA road projects in Mombasa County making up a total of 140 respondents. The data was analyzed using SPSS 28. Both descriptive and inferential analysis was done.

Findings: The study found stakeholders involvement has a positive (β1=0.066, sig = .041) significant influence on performance of KeNHA road construction projects in Mombasa County. Project leadership also has a positive (β2=0.370, sig = .000) significant influence on performance of KeNHA road construction projects in Mombasa County

Recommendations: The study recommends that the projects should have clear stakeholder guidelines to ensure that all the end user needs are catered for, and the project is implemented within the set time. The study also recommends for appointment of a project leader who has the skills, competencies, and experience in managing projects.

Keywords: stakeholders’ involvement, project leadership, project management practices, performance of KeNHA road construction projects

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