Scholarstica Kavuli Mutinda, Dr. Purity Gatobu


The general objective of the study was to establish the influence of project management practices on performance of HIV prevention programs in Kajiado County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to establish the influence of project planning on performance of HIV prevention programs in Kajiado County, Kenya and to find out the influence of project communication on performance of HIV prevention programs in Kajiado County, Kenya. The study used the descriptive research design. The total estimated population of stakeholders directly involved in HIV prevention programs in Kajiado County is around 1,230 individuals. This population included program managers, healthcare providers, community health workers, beneficiaries, local government officials, and representatives from NGOs and CBOs. The study’s sample size of 293 was reached at using Krejcie and Morgan formula and were selected using simple random sampling technique. This research used a questionnaire to collect primary data. The study collected both qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis and presented in prose form. Quantitative data collected was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 software using descriptive statistics and also conducted inferential statistics through correlation and regression analysis. The findings were presented in tables and figures. The study examined the influence of project management practices—project planning, and project communication—on the performance of HIV prevention programs in Kajiado County, Kenya. The study revealed that all variables significantly impact program performance: project planning (B = 0.268, p = 0.001), and project communication (B = 0.289, p = 0.000). The findings conclude that effective project management practices are crucial for enhancing program success, with communication having the most substantial impact. The study recommends strengthening communication strategies and enhancing project planning processes to improve the performance and sustainability of HIV prevention programs.

Key Words: Project Management Practices, Project Planning, Project Communication, Performance, HIV prevention programs 

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