Doreen Makena, Dr. Anthony Osoro


Supply chain resilience refers to a corporation's ability to tolerate an interruption and to also recover from interruptions. The telecommunication sector plays a critical role in communication. The telecommunication firms in Kenya have been facing performance challenges mainly due to high competition in the market. The general objective of the study was to examine the effect of supply chain resilience practices and performance of telecommunication firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to examine effect of inventory buffers, and ecosystem partnerships on performance of telecommunication firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study was guided by inventory control theory and social exchange theory.  The study adopted a descriptive research design.  The unit of analysis was four telecommunication firms. The unit of observation was the management staff in the firms; 66 senior level managers, 111 middle level managers, and 141 lower level managers.  Yamane 1967 formula was used to obtain a sample of 176 respondents sampled using stratified random sampling technique. This research used questionnaires to collect primary data. A pilot study was conducted with 18 management staff  representing 10% of the sample.  The study used content and construct validity. Reliability was measured using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient.   Data was analysed using SPSS Version 28. Descriptive  statistics were frequency, percentage, and mean. Inferential statistics includes Correlation and regression. Findings were tabulated. The pilot study demonstrated strong validity and reliability of the research instruments. The study revealed that all variables significantly influenced performance, with coefficients of 0.282 for inventory buffers, and 0.294 for ecosystem partnerships, with all p-values < 0.05, indicating their positive contributions to firm success. The study concludes that these resilience practices are critical in enhancing operational efficiency, responsiveness, and overall firm performance. It is recommended that firms invest in advanced inventory management systems, and cultivate strong ecosystem partnerships to drive innovation and competitive advantage.

Key Words: Supply Chain Resilience Practices, Inventory Buffers, Ecosystem Partnerships, Performance, Telecommunication Firms

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