Milkah Nyawira Kuria, Dr. Charles Ndeto


Supply chain agility is the capability of a business to swiftly and efficiently respond to changes in the market, customer preferences, or unforeseen disruptions. It involves the seamless integration of people, processes, and technology to create a flexible and adaptive supply chain. It also encompasses various aspects, including alertness, flexibility, decisiveness and swiftness. This study aimed at establishing the relationship between supply chain agility and performance of private hospitals in Nairobi County, Kenya. Specifically, this study sought to examine the relationship between supply chain alertness and the performance of private hospitals in Nairobi City County, Kenya and to assess the relationship between supply chain flexibility and the performance of private hospitals in Nairobi City County, Kenya.  This research used a cross sectional survey research method because it inspects the prevalence of a condition in a defined population at a specific point or period in time without attempting to draw any inferences or offer any causes for the prevalence. The population targeted for this study was seventeen private hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya. The unit of analysis was head and three deputies of department in each facility namely: - procurement, administration, finance, and Public Health and Quality assurance. The target population was 340 respondents. From the target population of 340, Yamane (1973) sample size formula was used to select a sample size for this study.  Primary data was collected through the use of structured questionnaires using a drop and pick method. The collected data from the questionnaire was given codes, keyed in the computer and edited for completeness. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel was used for data analysis. This study focused only at seventeen private hospitals in Nairobi City County, however, future studies can consider expanding their scope to include more private, public and mission hospitals within the Nairobi City County.  The study concludes that supply chain alertness has a positive and significant influence on the performance of private hospitals in Nairobi City County, Kenya. In addition, the study concludes that supply chain flexibility has a positive and significant influence on the performance of private hospitals in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Based on the findings, this study recommends that the management of private hospitals in Nairobi City County, Kenya should invest in advanced supply chain technologies to enhance their performance. By adopting cutting-edge technologies such as real-time tracking systems, predictive analytics, and automated inventory management, hospitals can improve their operational efficiency and responsiveness.

Key Words: Supply Chain Agility, supply chain alertness, supply chain flexibility, Performance of Private Hospitals

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