Zacharia Nyang’au Moseti, Dr. Hillary Chakava Masaya


Knowledge sharing is argued as a key activity of any effective knowledge management in an organization. Private universities  in  Kenya  are  beleaguered  with  the  growing  customer  knowledge  needs, dynamism in technology, growth in student population while knowledge resources and financial resources to handle such pressure is minimal. Therefore, these institutions need to have effective knowledge sharing practices to improve service delivery. The main focus of this study is to establish the influence of knowledge sharing imperatives on service delivery in chartered private universities in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to assess the effect of mentorship practice on service delivery in chartered private universities in Kenya and to investigate the influence of knowledge sharing technology tools on service delivery in chartered private universities in Kenya. This study used descriptive research design to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. This study adopted constructive epistemology and specifically post positivism approach. The unit of observation was 204 respondents comprising of 17 Vice Chancellors, 17 Deputy Vice Chancellors, 51 Registrars and 119 Heads of departments. This study adopted Yamane (1967) simplified formula to calculate the sample size. The study employed stratified random sampling technique to obtain a sample size of 135 respondents from the target population. A semi- structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Quantitative and qualitative data was generated from the closed-ended and open-ended questions, respectively. Qualitative data was analyzed on thematic basis and the findings provided in a narrative form. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, mean (measure of dispersion), standard deviation, and percentages were used. Inferential data analysis was conducted by use of univariate regression analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The study results were presented through use of tables and figures. The study concludes that mentorship practice has a significant effect on service delivery in chartered private universities in Kenya. The study also concludes that knowledge sharing technology tools have a significant effect on service delivery in chartered private universities in Kenya. From the results, this study recommends that the management of chartered private universities in Kenya should formulate and implement effective mentorship programs.


Key Words: Impellers of Knowledge Management Imperatives, Mentorship Practice, Knowledge Sharing Technology Tools

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