Product traceability has emerged as a critical supply chain component in almost all sectors and is used extensively in different contexts which efficiently lower the incidences of contamination in the food industries value chain by monitoring all the activities in the supply chain and indicating where quality control problem has transpired. Thus, thus, there need to have assessed traceability models that could be suitable across the whole food industry worldwide. Therefore, determine the effect of product traceability on performance of food and beverage manufacturing firms in Nairobi City County. The study was informed by contingency theory. This adopts descriptive survey research design. The population for the study constituted 204 HODs in the inspection, quality and technical departments from the sixty eighty (68) food and beverage manufacturing firms in Kenya. Simple random sampling was used to select a sample of 102 respondents from 34 food and beverage manufacturing firms. This study used structured questionnaires to collect data relevant to the study. Descriptive analysis was used to delineate the demographic pattern of target respondents in frequency, while inferential statistics was used to find causal effect relationship. The findings revealed that product traceability positively and significantly influenced the performance of foods and beverage manufacturing firms. The study recommended for firms to fully adopt product traceability measures within the supply chain to easily trace the movement of their products right from raw goods to finished products
Key Words: Supply Chain Component, Product Traceability, Performance, Food and Beverage Manufacturing Firms
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