The study sought to establish the antecedents of employee training and development and its outcomes in selected Energy State Corporation. The study has been informed by literature review as derived from research and works by other researchers obtained from journals, manuals, magazines and the internet. It also contains theoretical review, critical review as well as the conceptual framework. It aims at assisting in the problem definition, and makes it possible to understand what other researchers and writers have done or contributed. The study used the descriptive research design since it dealt with responses using statistics. The methodology and designs that the researcher used in conducting the research included; the research design, population target, sampling design, data collection instruments and procedures and data analysis. Questionnaires were used in collecting data. The researcher administered and collected complete questionnaires for the analysis. Data was be analyzed by the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS V22). Inferential statistics in this study included regression analysis. The results of the study were presented in tables and figures. This study concludes that training costs have a positive and significant influence on outcomes of employee training and development in energy state corporations in Kenya. Further, the study found that employee participation has a positive and significant influence on outcomes of employee training and development in energy state corporations in Kenya. In addition, the researchers concluded that government regulation has a positive and significant influence on outcomes of employee training and development in energy state corporations in Kenya. The study also concluded that employee motivation has a positive and significant influence on outcomes of employee training and development in energy state corporations in Kenya. From the results, the study recommends that the top management in the energy state corporations in Kenya should work in line with the ICT department to ensure that online training is availed to the employees. Further, the top management should ensure teamwork and staff bonding is highly encouraged so as to increase the rate of employee productivity.
Keywords: Antecedent, Development, Learning, Motivation, and Training.
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