
The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of the critical success factors on completion of road construction projects in Kenya case of Kenya National Highways Authority road projects. The specific objectives of the study were: to identify the influence of stakeholders’ involvement on completion of road construction projects, to identify the influence of workers’ competency on completion of road construction projects, to identify the influence of contractor’s commitment on successful completion of road construction projects and to identify the influence of project planning on completion of road construction projects. This study was anchored on the following theories: Skills theory, theory of Constraints, Contingency theory, Theory of leadership and Systems theory. The literature captures various delay and success factors of the various projects for construction of some roads and buildings as per the objectives. This study employed a case study design approach. The target population in this study was KeNHA and KURA road construction projects which totals to 184. The study used a sample of 126 using stratified sampling technique from the identified study sample size of population. The researcher used questionnaire to collect primary data. The data obtained for this research was analyzed using the statistical package for social science. Data presentations were made in pie charts, bar graphs, tables, line graph and diagrams. A regression model was applied to determine the relative importance of each of the variables with respect to completion of the road construction projects. The study found that there was a strong positive relationship btween sstakeholders’ involvement and completion of road construction projects. The study also established that that increase in workers’ competency would positively affect completion of road construction projects. The study revealed that was a positive relationship between contractor’s commitment and completion of road construction projects. The study found that increase in project planning would positively affect completion of road construction projects.  There is need to involve the stakeholders in road construction projects as the study revealed that Stakeholders’ Involvement positively affect completion of road construction projects. The study recommends that competent employees who are qualified on road construction projects should be employed. This is because the study has established a positive relationship between worker’s competency and the completion of road construction projects. There is need to enhance the commitment of contractors of road construction projects. This is because the study has revealed a positive relationship between Contractor’s Commitment and Completion of Road Construction Projects.


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