In the world over, Total Quality Management (TQM) has become a strategic implementation tool among companies. Rapid growth and competitiveness has made the industries and organizations throughout the world to adapt ‘Quality’ as a strategic weapon for market share and improved profitability of organization. However, although SMES realize the benefits of quality management systems the adoption is not rapid as compared to large organizations since they face more challenges and barriers to achieve this. The purpose of this study was to establish adoption of quality management systems on Performance of Supply Chain Management among small and medium sized businesses in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to determine the influence of top procurement Management Influence, Role of procurement employees and on adoption of quality management systems in procurement for the Small and Medium sized businesses in this scope. The study used descriptive research design with a target population of 211 small and medium sized businesses on Textile and leather industry located in Nairobi County and registered by Nairobi City County as at January 2020. Yamane Taro’s formula was used to compute a sample size of 138 facilities and the unit of observation was supply chain management officers in the respective facilities. The study used simple random sampling. Questionnaire were used as the main data collection instrument. The study used correlational research design analyse data. The study revealed that Top Management Influence had a positive and significant relationship with performance of Supply Chain Management of SMEs Nairobi City County. The study revealed that Role of employees had a positive and significant relationship with performance of Supply Chain Management of SMEs Nairobi City County. In this respect, the study confirms with other research findings that the success of quality adoption appeared to rely more on top management commitment, and process improvement. This study confirms the direct relationship between top management involvement, and employee empowerment on the adoption of quality systems. The study finally recommends SMEs in Kenya must know and understand what quality really means for them before they start the quality journey.
Key Words: Quality Management Systems, Performance, Supply Chain Management, Top Procurement Management, Role of Procurement Employees
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