Alexander Kipchumba Rutto, Samson Paul Nyang’au


This research project aimed to investigate the relationship between project management principles and projects performance in child protection in Nairobi City County, Kenya.  The research’s specific objective aimed to explore the effect of project stewardship and project tailoring on projects performance in child protection in Nairobi City County. The researcher drew insights from stewardship theory and theory of change to guide its analysis. Employing a descriptive research design, the study focused on 15 completed child protection projects in Nairobi City County. The unit of observation was the 160 social workers. The study used census which is recommended for a population that is less than 200. Therefore, all the social workers in the 15 completed child protection projects in Nairobi City County were selected for the study. This study collected primary data using questionnaire. Questionnaires were sent to the respondent’s email. The sample size for piloting was 16 social workers of the Child Protection Organizations, representing 10% of study sample. The research adopted content, face and construct validity to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the data collected. Particularly, data reliability was assessed using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The data analysis process using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 28) encompassed the generation of descriptive statistics, such as frequency, percentage, and mean, as well as inferential statistics, including correlation and regression analysis. The validity analysis confirmed the accuracy of the questionnaire, with face and content validity established through expert review and construct validity demonstrated by factor loadings exceeding 0.4 for all variables. Specifically, Project Stewardship demonstrates an average variance extracted of 0.606, and Project Tailoring at 0.569, and Projects Performance in Child Protection in Nairobi City County, Kenya at 0.574. Reliability analysis revealed high internal consistency, with Cronbach's alpha values consistently above 0.7 for all constructs, indicating reliable measurement tools. The regression analysis revealed significant positive effects of all principles on projects performance, with beta coefficients of 0.320 (p=0.029) for project stewardship, and 0.335 (p=0.002) for project tailoring. These findings underscore the importance of effective project management principles in enhancing child protection projects outcomes. The study concludes that strong project stewardship tailored project approaches, are crucial for successful child protection projects. It is recommended that organizations enhance governance structures customize project plans to meet specific needs. Future research should explore the impact of technology, stakeholder engagement, and change management on project success in different contexts.

Key Words: Project Management Principles, Projects Performance, Project Stewardship, Project Tailoring, Child Protection


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