
This study examined the determinants of effective implementation of fiber optic cable projects in Kenya. Findings from various sources have indicated that most Telecommunication organizations are slowly embracing fiber optic cable technology, but the implementation process of these projects remains a challenge, due to the failures of well-formulated strategies at critical stages of implementation. To achieve the study’s general objective, which was examining the determinants of effective implementation of fiber optic cable projects in Kenya, a descriptive survey sample of 290 approved fiber optic cable projects was undertaken in Kenya by the major Telecommunication Service Providers and the National government shall be carried out and was based on the opinion of sampled key informants in these projects i.e. technical personnel and project managers. To outline the key concepts, the study was based on various theories i.e. resource dependency, stakeholder’s theory, Rogers innovation diffusion theory and the theory of constraints. The sampling frame was made of 290 different fiber optic cable projects where random sampling method shall be used. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and analyzed using the SPSS (v.23.0) tool. Statistical inferences were used to analyze the data collected in terms of reliability and validity after a pilot study has been conducted. Both tests of significance using regression and correlation analysis were used to indicate the significance level amongst the independent variables when assessed against the dependent variable. The indicators relating to project team management, budgetary control, communication management and logistics management variables were analyzed to find out if they had a great significance on implementation of these fiber optic cable projects and conclusions were drawn on their effectiveness in the same. The study found that project team management budgetary control, communication management and logistics management is statistically significant to effective implementation. The study concluded that project team management budgetary control, communication management and logistics management is positively related to effective implementation.The study recommends that the project team should have the necessary skills and knowledge required for the project to ensure effective and effecient implementation. The project team should ensure that budget is well set before the start of the implememnation. Proper communication channels should be used, the selected channels should ensure that information is delivered at the right time to avoid delay of some activities.

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