Sheila Kawira Njagi, Dr. Kibiru Karanja


Performance plays a crucial role in influencing staff output. However, despite the implementation of employee development programs, many counties continue to face challenges in achieving optimal performance levels. Tharaka Nithi County Government encounters several issues related to personnel output, including inadequate training and skill development, which hinder the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. Therefore, the general objective of this study is to examine the effects of performance appraisal on staff output at Tharaka Nithi County Government, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the effect of task-based evaluation on staff output and to evaluate the effectiveness of management by objectives on staff output at Tharaka Nithi County Government.  The study is anchored on Goal Setting Theory and Equity Theory. A descriptive survey research design was utilized for this research, targeting 344 employees of Tharaka Nithi County Government across five departments. Simple random sampling was employed to select a sample of 103 employees, and questionnaires were used as the primary data collection instrument. Descriptive statistical analysis and inferential analysis were applied to summarize key dataset findings using SPSS version 26 software. Metrics such as means, standard deviations, and variance were utilized, and data were presented in tables and charts. The researcher employed a multivariate regression model for the study. Findings indicated that task-based evaluation and management by objectives have a positive and statistically significant impact on staff output. Based on these findings, the study concludes that self-based evaluation is crucial for improving staff output at Tharaka Nithi County Government. The study recommends that management encourages ongoing support for self-evaluation initiatives by providing necessary training and resources, while also fostering a culture of open feedback and participation among all employees to enhance their engagement and performance.


Key Words: Performance Appraisal, Task-Based Evaluation Assessment And Management By Objectives


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