Peter Ngige Ngugi, Dr. Charles Ndeto


Commercial state corporations in Kenya play a vital role in the national economy by providing essential services and contributing to infrastructure development. However, commercial state corporations in Kenya face a myriad of challenges that hinder their operational effectiveness and overall performance. The overall objective of the study is to establish effects of e-procurement adoption on performance of commercial state corporations in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to ascertain how e-informing affects performance of commercial state corporations in Kenya, to determine the effect of e-sourcing on performance of commercial state corporations in Kenya, to establish how e-tendering affects performance of commercial state corporations in Kenya and to determine to what extent does e-ordering affect performance of commercial state corporations in Kenya. For this study, descriptive research design was utilized. The target population comprised of 46 Commercial state corporations (SCAC, 2023). The unit of analysis was therefore the 46 commercial state corporations while the unit of observation was the management employees working in the state corporations. The study therefore targeted a total of 368 respondents comprising of 46 top managers, 138 middle level managers and 184 lower-level managers. The study’s sample size was reached at using Krejcie and Morgan sample size determination formula. Using the formula, the sample size for the study was 188 respondents. This study used primary data collected using a semi- structured questionnaire. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were computed and findings presented in tables and figures. The study concludes that e-informing has a positive and significant effect on performance of commercial state corporations in Kenya. In addition, the study concludes that e-sourcing has a positive and significant effect on performance of commercial state corporations in Kenya. Further, the study concludes that e-tendering has a positive and significant effect on performance of commercial state corporations in Kenya. The study also concludes that e-ordering has a positive and significant effect on performance of commercial state corporations in Kenya. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the management of commercial state corporations in Kenya should invest in comprehensive training programs for employees. By ensuring that all staff members are proficient in utilizing e-informing tools and platforms, organizations can maximize the benefits of improved data accessibility, communication, and decision-making. In addition, the study recommends that the management of commercial state corporations in Kenya should implement robust supplier relationship management (SRM) practices. By fostering stronger partnerships with suppliers through regular communication, feedback mechanisms, and collaborative initiatives, organizations can enhance the quality of goods and services procured.

Key Words: E-Procurement adoption, E-Sourcing, E-Ordering, Commercial State Corporations

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