Simon Wanjohi Karimi, Dr. Susan Naikuru, Dr. Anaya Senelwa


The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between competitiveness aggressiveness and growth of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The study was guided by the, Resource-based view (RBV). The study employed a descriptive research design utilizing questionnaires as the primary data collection method, emphasizing a positivism philosophy grounded in quantifiable observations and statistical analysis. The study explored a census study covering all the regulated 175 DTSACCO. Reliability was assessed through a pilot test, utilizing Cronbach's Alpha, and statistical techniques were employed for data analysis, including descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, and statistical tests such as ANOVA. The study analyzed the research hypotheses related to the influence of competitiveness aggressiveness on growth of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya and the effect IT capabilities on the relationship between competitiveness aggressiveness and growth of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The study identified a substantial positive influence of competitiveness aggressiveness on growth of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya as competitiveness aggressiveness explained an impressive 77.6% of the variability in competitiveness aggressiveness (R² = 0.776, F (1, 173) = 599.390, p < 0.000). The study also established a positive influence on the relationship between competitiveness aggressiveness and IT capabilities on growth of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya (B=0.236, t=7.122, p < 0.000). In conclusion, the study emphasizes the crucial role of competitiveness aggressiveness on growth of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The findings reveal a substantial positive correlation, indicating that effective competitiveness aggressiveness significantly contributes to growth of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. Based on the study findings, it is recommended that adoption of competitive aggressiveness makes DTSACCOs to become action oriented, introducing new product ahead of competitors, developing new products or services at lower price   than competitors and developing unique financial products and services to beat competitors in gaining larger customer base

Key Words: Competitiveness Aggressiveness, Growth, DTSACCOs Credit Cooperatives, Entrepreneurial Orientation

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